Author Archives: Heidi Wright

A bad day at work V’s a dedicated job applicant – key difference to look out for

Having a Bad Day at Work: Common Occurrence: Everyone experiences bad days at work from time to time. It could be due to various reasons such as stress, conflicts with colleagues, overwhelming workload, or personal issues. Impact on Performance: A bad day at work can significantly impact productivity, efficiency, and overall job satisfaction. It may […]

Why recruitment processes may fail at the final hurdle?

We see it to often. Companies invest time, effort, and resources into finding the perfect candidate, only to stumble at the final stage. Here are the top three reasons why recruitment processes often hit a snag just before the finish line: 1️⃣ Lack of Clear Communication: Candidates get frustrated when communication breaks down. Lack of […]

Stay or go?

Stay or go? Its a big decision, requiring significant consideration. Which profile best fits you? The decision to stay with the same employer for many years or to move around and focus on self-development and progression varies from person to person. Here are the top reasons I witness from employees who choose to stay with […]

Menstruation, menopause and mental health – Insight

It was sad to read the stats in this article, addressing Menstruation, menopause and mental health. A personal and emotional subject, something which requires empathy and the confidence it will be handled confidentially with a hope that positive results can be achieved together, otherwise, what would be the point of opening up and exposing yourself? […]

The importance of interview feedback

It is surprising how many people tell us that they didn’t hear back from companies following their interviews. This is a common frustration in the job-seeking process. Whether you have been successful in your interview or not, constructive interview feedback is an essential element of the overall interview process. It plays a crucial role in […]

Competency based interviews

What do you need to know to nail it? Preparation is crucial when approaching a competency-based interview, this is your opportunity to showcase your skills, experiences, and qualifications effectively. Competency-based interviews focus on specific skills and behaviours relevant to the job you’re applying for. Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you prepare: Understand the Job […]